As cool weather approaches, smart layering technique can help you stay warm, dry and comfy
despite harsh winter elements. The idea of layering is the ability to add or remove pieces of apparel to adapt to a variety of weather conditions or activities.
The key is to dress for the coldest anticipated temperature, with the least amount of pack weight. Easy way to do this is to think in three layers:
base, insulation and outer. The purpose of the base layer is to keep you dry and warm. Plus, it's also the base layer's job to wick away perspiration and
keep you dry. Next, the insulation layer is donned to add a cozy layer of warmth, protected from external elements like rain and snow. Finally, the
outer layer. It's job is to protect you from wind chill, rain, sleet, snow, any kind of wet or windy element. It blocks out the cold and seals in the
warmth. Below are some recommended ideas to help you get started on your winter wardrobe.
More Men's Base Layers